The French Society is Oxford’s cultural, political and social centre for promoting francophone culture. We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of events including film nights, guest speakers, debates, crew dates, the 'Frogsbridge' exchange, and our famous Cheese & Wine evenings for members and non-members of the society alike. Our primary aim is to act as a vibrant forum where students with a common interest in anything French can meet and socialise.
We were founded as Oxford University French Club in 1906 (and were re-founded after a short break in 2003 as the French Society) and since our relaunch we have widely expanded, attracting both French-speaking and non French-speaking students.
Whether you are a member, alumnus, fresher or potential sponsor, we hope that you find this website useful. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we look forward to seeing you at our events!